
Showing posts from 2017

Mountains to Climb

“Don’t take for granted the love this life gives you. When you get where you’re going don’t forget turn back around and help the next one in line. Always stay humble and kind.” - Tim McGraw- Last weekend, Ralphy and I drove down to Albuquerque for Balloon Fiesta. It was the first time I’d gone since I was 14 and the first time I was ever able to attend the Balloon Glow. We woke up at 5:30, dressed for the cold (and wore far too many layers), and watched pretty floating objects for close to 5 hours.  It wasn’t until I moved away from Albuquerque that I realized how much I missed Balloon Fiesta. Obviously, it wasn’t anything that I ever attended regularly but I always recognized that it was something special to be able to see the balloons on my way to school. However, I remember never being all that impressed by the balloons flying toward my high school. I remember being somewhat annoyed when a balloon would land on the soccer field and interrupt the school day for awhile. At


Resfeber (n.): The restless race of the traveler's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.  It's been awhile since I last posted (I tried to be better, I really did) so I'll try to write a little about everything that's happened the last few months.  First of all, I was accepted to the University of Colorado - Denver for graduate school! I will be pursuing a Master’s in Spanish and I honestly couldn’t be more excited. I think one of the most difficult parts about teaching in Spain has been not being a student. When I graduated from high school and started at Franciscan, I’m pretty sure my parents were terrified that I wouldn’t finish my Bachelor’s in 4 years…or ever! Not because I would do poorly or choose to not finish but because I liked school so much that I would choose to just keep going back. I’m sure they breathed a huge sigh of relief last May when I walked across the stage. What I’m really trying to say here

Choosing Joy

"I have found the paradox: if you love until it hurts  there  can be no more hurt, only more love" -St. Mother Teresa- I apologize for not posting as much as I said I would.  I’ll get better at it…I think…some day. No promises. Lately I’ve been writing more than ever…I feel like I’ve even been writing in my sleep….but I’ve also had a difficult time finding anything I write that is worth sharing. So this is just a little update on Spain and life in general.  I was able to go home (New Mexico) for a wonderful 18 days at Christmas time. It was the most time I’ve spent in New Mexico since Christmas Break of 2013/2014 and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to be home. For so long I took New Mexico for granted—I never wanted to return because in my mind I’d outgrown it. But going home for Christmas really showed me how lucky I am to have grown up there. Not everyone gets to grow up in a place that values family, tradition, and faith in the same way that