
Showing posts from February, 2017

Choosing Joy

"I have found the paradox: if you love until it hurts  there  can be no more hurt, only more love" -St. Mother Teresa- I apologize for not posting as much as I said I would.  I’ll get better at it…I think…some day. No promises. Lately I’ve been writing more than ever…I feel like I’ve even been writing in my sleep….but I’ve also had a difficult time finding anything I write that is worth sharing. So this is just a little update on Spain and life in general.  I was able to go home (New Mexico) for a wonderful 18 days at Christmas time. It was the most time I’ve spent in New Mexico since Christmas Break of 2013/2014 and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to be home. For so long I took New Mexico for granted—I never wanted to return because in my mind I’d outgrown it. But going home for Christmas really showed me how lucky I am to have grown up there. Not everyone gets to grow up in a place that values family, tradition, and faith in the same way that