
Showing posts from 2020

On Missing My "Fox Room"

There are days when my job is hard. Like really, really hard . Teaching is by far the most difficult, challenging, stressful, rage-inducing, and frustrating thing I've ever done in my life. At the same time, it is by far the most satisfying, fulfilling, fun, joyful, hilarious, and sometimes outright-ridiculous-in-the-best-way-possible thing I've ever done in my life. Today we officially received word that there will be no in-person school for the rest of the year. I expected that notice. By the time I heard that the second state had decided to close schools for the rest of the year, I expected that Denver and Colorado would make their way to that same decision. I expected that I would have emails and texts from worried students about what that means for them. I expected to be sad and disappointed, even angry. What I did not expect was how much that notice would break my heart. I did not expect to cry (again). I did not expect that March 12th would be the last time I