Poland: Hope in Brokenness
The trip to Poland made for a very heavy weekend so I’m splitting the weekend into two blog posts as an attempt to give justice to it all. To be honest, I don’t know where to start so please bear with me as I wade through the brokenness of my heart while writing this post. On Friday we visited Auschwitz concentration camp and Birkenau extermination camp. My family was not directly affected by the atrocities that occurred at either of these or any other concentration or extermination camp. Despite having no concrete attachment to any of the people who suffered through these camps, I was profoundly impacted by what I experienced. What we learn about the holocaust in history classes in high school is far from an accurate description of the torments these people withstood. I think Auschwitz has always been a place of puddles. 75 years ago the puddles were of blood and tears; today the puddles are of a cleansing rain that allows the grass to grow green. Despite green gr